John F. Kennedy Boulevard Bridges Rehabilitation Project
NECA Penn-Del-Jersey
Street Lighting/Traffic Signal
Carr & Duff was the electrical contractor for the PennDOT JFK Boulevard bridge rehabilitation project. The overall project consisted of replacement of three bridge superstructures carrying JFK Blvd over 21st, 22nd and 23rd streets, replacement of the bridge decks, full-depth pavement reconstruction, new traffic signals and new pedestrian stairs. The sequencing of work occurred one half at a time beginning with eastbound traffic and involved significant maintenance of traffic protection and detours.
C&D installed 64 LED pedestrian light poles, with 50 CCD pole foundations and 14 mounted on the structures. C&D excavated and installed 3,800 LF of PVC conduit in trench, installed 1,300 LF of rigid conduit on the structures, installed 19,500 LF of cable for the lighting circuits and 1,800 LF of signal cable for 4 traffic signals. Complete reconstruction and replacement of traffic signals at 20th and JFK was included, as well as installing underground fiber optic interconnection to 20th and Market Streets. The traffic signals are designed to accommodate bicycle signal phasing for safe bicycle crossing of the intersection.
Additionally work included installing new motion sensor controlled rectangular rapid flashing beacons on new mast arms at mid-block of 23rd and JFK Blvd for safe pedestrian crossing.
All lighting for the project is controlled by a web-based lighting control system that can be accessed by the City of Philadelphia Streets Department to dim individual fixtures and monitor for maintenance of fixtures.